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Incarnos Profile: Vadron

Justicar of Axa, Gauric Legion, Losthaven Guard, Neophyte Warden, and Questor of Axa
5 months, 2 weeks, 5 days, 13 hours, 57 minutes, 23 seconds
Leaderboard Rankings
#1 in Kill Ratio, All Time
#1 in Kill Ratio, Active
#2 in Kills, Active
#2 in Kills And Assists, Active
#4 in Age To Quest Points Ratio, Active
#4 in Assists, Active
#5 in Developed Strength, Active
#5 in Kills, All Time
#6 in Developed Physical Attributes, Active
#6 in Kills And Assists, All Time
#10 in Developed Vitality, Active
#13 in Adjusted Mental Attributes, Active
#13 in Adjusted Perception, Active
#13 in Assists, All Time
#14 in Natural Mental Attributes, Active
#14 in Natural Perception, Active
#16 in Age, Active
#17 in Adjusted Agility, Active
#17 in Natural Agility, Active
#17 in Adjusted Strength, Active
#17 in Level, Active
#18 in Adjusted Physical Attributes, Active
#18 in Developed Perception, Active
#18 in Natural Physical Attributes, Active
#18 in Natural Strength, Active
#19 in Adjusted Willpower, Active
#19 in Natural Vitality, Active
#19 in Natural Willpower, Active
#19 in Age To Level Ratio, Active
#20 in Adjusted Vitality, Active
#20 in Natural Ego, Active
#21 in Developed Agility, Active
#21 in Developed Strength, All Time
#22 in Adjusted Ego, Active
#26 in Developed Ego, Active
#27 in Developed Mental Attributes, Active
#27 in Natural Intellect, Active
#29 in Adjusted Intellect, Active
#30 in Age To Quest Points Ratio, All Time
#31 in Developed Physical Attributes, All Time
#38 in Incarnos Kills, Active
#40 in Developed Intellect, Active
#41 in Developed Vitality, All Time
#44 in Developed Willpower, Active
#47 in Natural Perception, All Time
#50 in Adjusted Perception, All Time

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