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Atman Profile: Akraine
Primary Incarnos
Level 38 male Trueborn Amberite Aligned Aisenshi-Insei-Tanto, Verynvelyr, and Explorer
Other Incarnoi
Dakari, Level 68 male Losthavener human Warbreaker, Aristeios, Losthaven Guard, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Derek, Level 108 male Hanoman advenus POEE Initiate, Aristeios, Crafty Linguist, Fianna, Gauric Legion, Losthaven Guard, and Losthavener Wandslinger
Jaak, Level 37 male Jhanite human Attuned Deep Whisperer
Stanley, Level 45 male Losthavener human Hantaka, Garrik's Assassin, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Danton, Level 49 male Vanyar tuatha Aliavelyr, Aristeios, Cuar Faern, Explorer, and Questor of Axa
Metellus va-Kadoron, Level 37 male Kedethvek kedeth Attuned Deep Whisperer and Aristeios
Kerelus, Level 19 male Losthavener kobold adventurer and Discordian Legionnaire
Aramil, Level 22 male Vanyar dana Attuned Aliavelyr, Cuar Faern, and Losthaven Guard
Derek, Level 108 male Hanoman advenus POEE Initiate, Aristeios, Crafty Linguist, Fianna, Gauric Legion, Losthaven Guard, and Losthavener Wandslinger
Jaak, Level 37 male Jhanite human Attuned Deep Whisperer
Stanley, Level 45 male Losthavener human Hantaka, Garrik's Assassin, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Danton, Level 49 male Vanyar tuatha Aliavelyr, Aristeios, Cuar Faern, Explorer, and Questor of Axa
Metellus va-Kadoron, Level 37 male Kedethvek kedeth Attuned Deep Whisperer and Aristeios
Kerelus, Level 19 male Losthavener kobold adventurer and Discordian Legionnaire
Aramil, Level 22 male Vanyar dana Attuned Aliavelyr, Cuar Faern, and Losthaven Guard
on Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 at 12:02 AM
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