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Atman Profile: Ellume
Primary Incarnos
neuter Shadowmyrker nyloc Veteran Developer
Other Incarnoi
Mystical Introspection, Level 232 hermaphrodite Shadowmyrker nyloc Riddlemaster, Zeteson, Explorer, Magister Collegii, Neophyte Warden, and Stalker of the Gate
Xordigath, Level 317 neuter Yathrelar fomor Hantaka, Reaper, Ringwielder, Shemsu Sutekh, Cultist of Sacrifice, Explorer, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Skitch, Level 35 male Losthavener skaven adventurer and Explorer
Lynn, Level 237 female Losthavener human Hantaka, Warbreaker, Gatherer, Kazarzeth, Losthavener Wandslinger, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Vani, Level 44 female Nisbetoth pixie Attuned Aedarene, Explorer, Gauric Legion, and Questor of Axa
Vadron, Level 235 male Trueborn Amberite Justicar of Axa, Gauric Legion, Losthaven Guard, Neophyte Warden, and Questor of Axa
Zevik, Level 389 male Losthavener zenun Kazarak, Crafty Linguist, Cultist of Sacrifice, Explorer, Gatherer, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Molvarin ont Duthind, Level 73 male Kolondan eolon Battlerager, Agnihotri, and Explorer
Zexruleth, Level 42 male Hellspawn rhax Shemsu Sutekh, Explorer, Gatherer, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, and Ygellethite
Evelyn, Level 60 female Vanyar tuatha adventurer, Cuar Faern, and Explorer
Xakrek, Level 52 male Obsidian Gezuuni adventurer and Explorer
Valthix, Level 100 indeterminate Losthavener dodkul adventurer, Gatherer, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Evrathis, Level 66 male Losthavener human Attuned Warbreaker, Gauric Legion, and Losthaven Guard
Vapius, Level 1 male Losthavener pnath adventurer and Questor of Axa
Kiliki, Level 1 male Aalikila iyiyik adventurer
Kaxnirnoth, Level 40 male Sheolim fomor Frater Verbus Glacialis and Explorer
Svarik, Level 2 male Losthavener skaven adventurer
Obvious Sacrifice, Level 40 female Losthavener human Warbreaker and Explorer
Xordigath, Level 317 neuter Yathrelar fomor Hantaka, Reaper, Ringwielder, Shemsu Sutekh, Cultist of Sacrifice, Explorer, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Skitch, Level 35 male Losthavener skaven adventurer and Explorer
Lynn, Level 237 female Losthavener human Hantaka, Warbreaker, Gatherer, Kazarzeth, Losthavener Wandslinger, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Vani, Level 44 female Nisbetoth pixie Attuned Aedarene, Explorer, Gauric Legion, and Questor of Axa
Vadron, Level 235 male Trueborn Amberite Justicar of Axa, Gauric Legion, Losthaven Guard, Neophyte Warden, and Questor of Axa
Zevik, Level 389 male Losthavener zenun Kazarak, Crafty Linguist, Cultist of Sacrifice, Explorer, Gatherer, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Molvarin ont Duthind, Level 73 male Kolondan eolon Battlerager, Agnihotri, and Explorer
Zexruleth, Level 42 male Hellspawn rhax Shemsu Sutekh, Explorer, Gatherer, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, and Ygellethite
Evelyn, Level 60 female Vanyar tuatha adventurer, Cuar Faern, and Explorer
Xakrek, Level 52 male Obsidian Gezuuni adventurer and Explorer
Valthix, Level 100 indeterminate Losthavener dodkul adventurer, Gatherer, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Evrathis, Level 66 male Losthavener human Attuned Warbreaker, Gauric Legion, and Losthaven Guard
Vapius, Level 1 male Losthavener pnath adventurer and Questor of Axa
Kiliki, Level 1 male Aalikila iyiyik adventurer
Kaxnirnoth, Level 40 male Sheolim fomor Frater Verbus Glacialis and Explorer
Svarik, Level 2 male Losthavener skaven adventurer
Obvious Sacrifice, Level 40 female Losthavener human Warbreaker and Explorer
on Sunday, October 9th, 2016 at 4:48 PM
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