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Atman Profile: Piotrhabera

Primary Incarnos
Piotrhabera, Level 62 neuter Obsidian Gezuuni Riddlemaster, Discordian Legionnaire, and Losthavener Wandslinger
Other Incarnoi
Zaragoza, Level 30 male Losthavener srazh Zetesis
Giuseppe, Level 18 male Losthavener slaan Zetesis
Zalanthas ithl'Eder, Level 32 male Istaxith srazh Traveler
Khazad ont Menu, Level 20 male Kolondan thond Justicar of Axa and Questor of Axa
Eoramos, Level 13 male Freeholder trullja adventurer and Aristeios
Zzap, Level 16 male Wickwer svirfneblin Frater Zephyrius Mutatoris
Imperialist, Level 12 male Imptropolitan imp POEE Initiate
Naturath, Level 20 male Nisbetoth garou Aedarene and Lykouros
Admayn, Level 15 male Vanyar dana adventurer and Cuar Faern
Aesvar Odgardson, Level 13 male Norsk human Ulfhednar
Piotr, Level 45 female Hanoman urga Aligned Maiden of the Spear
Furar ont Kalan, Level 38 male Kolondan thond Frater Ignis Aeternis
Haberapiotr, Level 55 male Beorn human Aedarene and Lykouros
Frigidas Cook, Level 32 male Talantonite ardhalokh Attuned Frater Verbus Glacialis
Xaseth tzi Raeth, Level 15 male Zokandur zuth Justicar of Axa and Questor of Axa
Adrir Sargent, Level 16 male Losthavener lunaeala Verynvelyr, Losthaven Guard, and member of the Pantarchic Church of Yehovah
Tenno, Level 19 male Atalantian wildling urln Verynvelyr
on Friday, November 21st, 2014 at 1:33 PM
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