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System Changelog Entry #4004

Summary added a mechanism for hawkmen to learn brawling maneuvers
Rated Importance
6 raters
Rated Value
6 raters
Type content expansion
By Twilight
When Oct 5 2008 11:58 AM
Description katar can now teach brawling maneuvers to hawkmen. actually, he can only teach one maneuver at the moment, but the structure for adding more easily is now defined, and hopefully other devs will help out ;) . the way it works is, all you need to perform the maneuver is to have the skills necessary to do it (like e.g. headbutt) and have been taught the technique, which is represented as a knowledge code (i.e. something that you memorize with the memorize command). the only way, at present, to get the knowledge code, is to have katar teach it to you. you'll have it until something removes it, such as loss of the memory skill, a mental disorder, or whatever... it outlasts guild membership, in otherwords. so this is a hybrid between affiliation-only and general-access. i think this is a structure that could be fruitfully replicated elsewhere, incidentally.
Reason hawkmen needed some stuff, have been playing with maneuvers since aligned
Result subject-based maneuver learning mechanism
Projects Hawkmen, Teryx
Version not updated

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