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System Changelog Entry #6155

Summary amulet of retribution math revisions
Rated Importance
4 raters
Rated Value
4 raters
Type lib revision
By Twilight
When Sep 18 2015 4:24 PM
Description amulets of retribution used to work entirely off of the amount of damage you inflicted on them. e.g. if you inflicted 1000 fire damage on something with an amulet of fire retribution, you'd be getting some multiple of 1000 back in the face; if you'd inflicted only 1 damage, you'd be getting some multiple of 1 back in the face. I changed them to have a somewhat random amount of base damage added, so that it's the damage you inflicted + that number back in your face. I also made the blast distribute randomly across affected limbs instead of proportionally by limb size.
Reason when i started playing amulets of retribution were terrifying, and now they virtually never do anything. wanted to make htem something to think about again
Result amulets of retribution now have damage that it more spikey, less predictable, and all around scarier
Version lib revision incremented to Ain Soph 2.11.147

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