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System Changelog Entry #5190
Summary | changed the way affinity + resistance skills compound |
Rated Importance | |
Rated Value | |
Type | lib revision |
By | Chaos |
When | Oct 30 2011 10:53 PM |
Description | Changed the way affinity and resistance skills interact, in particular resistance skills when affinities are creating a vulnerability. Mostly what this does is open up the ability of higher levels of resistance skill to do more to offset vulnerabilities. An example that illustrates the difference goes like this: previously, if you had a resistance skill that maxed out at a resistance effect of 50%, and you had the amount of skill that provided this, higher levels basically did nothing, and if you had a -100% vulnerability from an affinity, you'd wind up with a -50% vulnerability (50% being offset by the resistance) and that was that. Now, higher levels of the resistance skill, and particularly multiple resistance skills affecting the same damage type, can be more help; they may still max out at 50% final resistance, but they can offset increasing amounts of vulnerability as they accumulate. So with a high enough resistance skill in our example, you could potentially get to 50% resistance instead of being stuck at -50% vulnerability. |
Reason | Didn't like the way it was behaving. |
Result | It behaves differently. |
Version | lib revision incremented to Ain Soph 2.5.23 |
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