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System Changelog Entry #4339
Summary | exit summarization refinements |
Rated Importance | |
Rated Value | |
Type | lib revision |
By | Chaos |
When | Apr 26 2009 2:46 PM |
Description | Changed a number of things about how exit summaries work, both the 'obvious exits' line in rooms and the short list of directions appended to room short descs. The first thing you'll probably notice is that in the short lists, n/s/e/w/ne/se/nw/sw now get collapsed into 'compass', similarly to how it works for long descriptions. For both forms there are also 'nearly there' forms of this, i.e. "all compass directions except northeast" and so on (for the short form, that'd be "compass-ne"). It probably won't show up for a while, but sets of compass directions in their upward and downward variations (i.e. northup, southup, northeastdown, southwestdown, etc) will also get collapsed. |
Reason | Shortness and clearness. |
Result | Shorter, hopefully clearer exit summaries. |
Version | lib revision incremented to Ain Soph 2.3.9 |
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