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System Changelog Entry #3785
Summary | experience modifier formula tweaks |
Rated Importance | |
Rated Value | |
Type | lib revision |
By | Twilight |
When | May 27 2008 1:29 PM |
Description | intelligence and perception are now only one quarter of the factor they were in determining your xp modifier. willpower has also been added as a slightly higher (but not much) factor, with the result that in general attributes will now affect your xp modifier much less. to compensate, assimilativity has also had its weight reduced. |
Reason | a lot of things were skewed by this formula. low int races/guilds were unnecessarily penalized, some elders were too good, others too bad. it also made int too important |
Result | your xpmod is much more statically determined by your race, with the biggest changable factor now being your alignment. i expect many tweaks to the assim values of many races will follow shortly |
Version | lib revision incremented to Ain Soph 2.2.810 |
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