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System Changelog Entry #8262

Summary Fixed personal arena justicar realization
Rated Importance
1 rater
Rated Value
1 rater
Type content revision
By Aeriella
When Jan 3 2024 2:44 PM
Description Added some lines to the atmospheric enchantment master object in the Justicars project to specify that it should not set an expiration time if no duration is passed to the enchantment, to cover situations like the personal arena realization, which is supposed to have an indefinite duration (it lasts until the caster is dead, the target is dead, or the caster runs out of Order energy).
Reason Personal arena only lasted 10 seconds, which probably isn't enough time for a Justicar to kill anything these days.
Result Fewer fugitives from justice!
Projects Justicars of Axa
Version not updated

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