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System Changelog Entry #7176

Summary gurbodax speakeasy door behavior updated
Rated Importance
3 raters
Rated Value
3 raters
Type content revision
By Marcosy
When Jul 4 2017 11:18 AM
Description entry to the Gurbodax speakeasy will now perform more sensibly in a wide variety of ways, including doorpersons not prompting for the password when you're already inside, doorpersons properly remembering whether you've given them the password instead of relying on hacky character data flags, doorpersons properly forgotting you after being killed and respawning, and doorpersons properly addressing their speech to the person performing the actions rather than just talking to the room at large.
Reason this has bothered me tremendously for years
Result nobody will care but I will sleep slightly easier knowing that I corrected some of my most egregious mistakes from early dev work
Projects Gurbodax
Version not updated

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