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System Changelog Entry #7817

Summary Hank's price list has been implemented
Rated Importance
1 rater
Rated Value
1 rater
Type content revision
By Aeriella
When Oct 8 2021 3:58 PM
Description Implemented a pricing rule for Hank's shop and removed the guardrails that were artificially setting all values to 15. The upshot of this is that it will hopefully allow us to add more desirable rewards and more unique items to Hank's list and be able to set a reasonable price in tokens for them. The most immediate effect of this will be a dramatic increase in shop prices (which may be reexamined later), but 15 tokens for a double rainbow pibrit was pretty ridiculous.
Reason Hank's price list was not implemented before, so his shop prices were insanely low for most things.
Result Hank's price list should follow what passes for more reasonable economic considerations.
Projects Scavenger Hunt
Version world minor version incremented to Lost Souls 0.16.0

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