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System Changelog Entry #5390
Summary | Hylozoa |
Rated Importance | |
Rated Value | |
Type | lib expansion |
By | Chaos |
When | Mar 24 2013 3:37 AM |
Description | Defined standardized handling for hylozoa: elementals, amalgamals, and primordials, the basic personifications of the hylocosmic forces. (This specifically excludes variant or advanced forms that may be related to these, like elektroi and eishunds and all that.) Made a project to be a reference point for them. Ported some of the MUD's previously existing hylozoa to the new mechanics. |
Reason | Moving forward. |
Result | Have standard effect-classed hylozoa for all four elements, seventeen amalgams and two primordial planes, for a total of 5 * 23 = 115 races. |
Projects | Hylozoa, Empathic Bonds, Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris, Ordo Ignis Aeternis, Green Chapel, Temple, Northlands, Gardagh, Vargan |
Version | lib revision incremented to Ain Soph 2.6.106, world revision incremented to Lost Souls 0.1.43 |
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