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System Changelog Entry #4178
Summary | landmark-based navigation |
Rated Importance | |
Rated Value | |
Type | lib expansion |
By | Chaos |
When | Dec 29 2008 4:09 AM |
Description | Added support for a 'go to <landmark>' syntax. Unlike the 'go to <memorized location>' form, this mechanism relies simply on you being able to see some sort of distant landmark and move to it. It will probably only work for certain landmarks in 3D map areas. Known working examples are 'go to vineyard' adjacent to the Milme vineyards in Liathyr, 'go to statue' in/near Finwe Park in Liathyr, and 'go to mass' at Scyros. Presumably now that this is possible, support for it will expand. |
Reason | It's pretty neat. |
Result | Have this capability. |
Version | lib revision incremented to Ain Soph 2.2.1053 |
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