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System Changelog Entry #5376
Summary | made look-direction give you passability information |
Rated Importance | |
Rated Value | |
Type | lib expansion |
By | Chaos |
When | Feb 25 2013 7:28 PM |
Description | Made it so that looking in a direction gives you information on the passability of any geometrically confining exit properties -- doors, narrow tunnels, that sort of thing. You don't receive this information if you're amorphous or intangible since you presume you'll be able to pass anything. You also don't receive it if you are cognitively incapable of prospection. |
Reason | Because you don't actually have to try to walk through a door to know it's too small for you to get through. |
Result | Can get information about exit passability without trying to use it. |
Version | lib revision incremented to Ain Soph 2.6.93 |
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