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System Changelog Entry #8352

Summary NPCs with fey or demonic blood will have practiced their powers at some point in their lives.
Rated Importance
1 rater
Rated Value
1 rater
Type content revision
By Aeriella
When Aug 16 2024 8:28 PM
Description NPCs with demonic or fey blood now get assigned some prior practice to their abilities, which was not happening before. This resulted in absurdities like Galadriel and Finwe having never practiced their faerie fire ability. Now, high-level NPCs will mostly have mastered their inborn abilities, and lower-level NPCs will at least have practiced them somewhat.
Reason It looks like this was probably the way this was intended to work all along.
Result NPCs can use these powers a bit better.
Projects Fey Races, Demonic Blood
Version world revision incremented to Lost Souls 0.16.55

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