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System Changelog Entry #8073

Summary removed perdition and lifesaving from apagion empathic bond
Rated Importance
4 raters
Rated Value
4 raters
Type content revision
By Starhound
When Nov 16 2022 8:39 AM
Description removed the effects of the perdition trait and the life saving effects from this bond.
Reason tired of this bond causing confusion and problems when a player tries it and dies, perdition needs to be a opt in experience that cannot be forced upon a player through content based play.
Result perdition should be generally an decisive opt-in experience that is gained seperately from most actions your incarnos can undergo (starting as a perdition based race, or getting it from the Soulburner Manor - until it's a menu option in character creation). and content should not be built around the notion that it will give perdition and some form of lifesave built in, as this undermines the entire idea of how I believe perdition should be treated within the game world. Perdition will be just that, a trait that prevents the player from getting more lives.
Projects Empathic Bonds
Version world minor version incremented to Lost Souls 1.1.0

© 2008-2012 Lost Souls, a free text-based RPG
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