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System Changelog Entry #8470
Summary | revised wandslinger experience rewards |
Rated Importance | |
Rated Value | |
Type | content revision |
By | Starhound |
When | Mar 1 2025 12:48 AM |
Description | altered the way experience rewards are handed out for wandslinger vigil threat eliminations. now, a theshold of eliminations is required before a reward can be given. this threshold is dynamic and will scale up as a members ka, level, and total threats eliminated increase. the type of threat is also considered when marking down the count between experience reward events, so harder mobs that reward more ka also advance your count towards your threshold faster. as your total level increases so does the type of reward you get, maxing out at a greater effect class starting at level 501. |
Reason | raid mobs already have slightly better experience rates/levels, and the recent exp effect class changes was fuel to the fire. |
Result | no more experience rewards per kill, have to protect a vigil a bit more to get that sweet sweet exp hit |
Projects | Wandslingers |
Version | world revision incremented to Lost Souls 0.16.96 |
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