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System Changelog Entry #5480
Summary | Saint Paedric's Monastery revamped |
Rated Importance | |
Rated Value | |
Type | content expansion |
By | Xekrin |
When | Sep 18 2013 8:12 PM |
Description | St. Paed's revamped to 3d map, quest is essentially the same except the things that much be searched are now numerous and failable, some of the npcs and monsters were buffed a bit to be worthy of the exp they give. Various other stuff I don't remember as I write this, as always inform me of bugs, problems, errors. |
Reason | was outdated and boring |
Result | hopefully no longer outdated and boring |
Projects | Saint Paedric's Monastery |
Version | world minor version incremented to Lost Souls 0.6.0 |
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