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System Changelog Entry #7691
Summary | Scavenger Hunt |
Rated Importance | |
Rated Value | |
Type | content creation |
By | Starhound |
When | Nov 18 2020 10:12 PM |
Description | enabled the scavenger hunt project (to a degree). the event should occur every 2nd and 4th weekends of the month. a random number of 100 to 250 tokens will be spawned during the event and scattered across the mud via Random_Location_Any. the player is to return these tokens to Hank, who has made his return to the game. there are three types of tokens that can spawn: bronze, silver, and gold - each worth 1, 2, and 3 'credits'. credits will then (eventually) be used to buy rare loot and equipment from Hank. |
Reason | events are good and we need more. |
Result | started a beta phase of a bi-weekly event. |
Projects | Scavenger Hunt, Losthaven Sewers |
Version | world minor version incremented to Lost Souls 0.13.0 |
© 2008-2012 Lost Souls, a free text-based RPG
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