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System Changelog Entry #8442

Summary Updated echelon armour some
Rated Importance
2 raters
Rated Value
2 raters
Type content bug fix
By Aeriella
When Jan 15 2025 7:58 PM
Description The permanent echelon armour that justicars are able to make is supposed to be really great armour, and has absorption and encumbrance modifiers to do this. However, the absorption modifier was previously set up so that it did not do anything because it did not specify any damage types to modify, which apparently meant it didn't modify the absorption of any damage types (doh!). Also, the encumbrance modifier applied would make it so your echelon armour could offset ridiculous amounts of your other armour -- a single piece could just about negate the encumbrance of a full plate suit. Now, the absorption modifier specifies some damage types for it to modify, and the encumbrance modifier doesn't modify encumbrance below -90% of the total encumbrance value of the item, making it about as light as clothing while not breaking common sense.
Reason Modifiers were busted
Result This stuff is a lot better now
Projects Justicars of Axa
Version not updated

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