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Top Fifty Active Incarnoi in Age To Level Ratio

as of Monday, January 20th, 2025 12:00 AM
Yinvei, Level 54 neuter Nisbetoth serentyll Aedarene and Stalker of the Gate

Dyne, Level 161 male Losthavener phaethon Attuned Frater Verbus Glacialis, Losthaven Guard, Losthavener Wandslinger, Magister Collegii, Neophyte Warden, and Probaton of the Pantarchic Church of Yehovah

Singularity, Level 144 neuter Northlander wildling shoggoth Aligned Traveler

Melizini, Level 131 female Jhanite human Warbreaker, Gauric Legion, and Lykouros

Jerald Quickfingers, Level 395 male Losthavener pixie Attuned Aisenshi-Insei-Ken, Traveler, Explorer, Gauric Legion, Magister Collegii, and Wandslinger of Camelot

Tlatzilix, Level 146 neuter Tenochlani wildling shoggoth POEE Initiate, Shemsu Sutekh, Aristeion, Explorer, Magister Collegii, and Neophyte Warden

Recursion, Level 155 female Othran dragon Aedarene, Deep Whisperer, POEE Initiate, Shapeshifter, Zetesa, and Gauric Legion

Miu, Level 177 female Hanoman advenus Aligned Aristeia and Explorer

Mkoll, Level 163 male Wickwer kedeth Attuned Deep Whisperer, Aristeios, Cuar Faern, Fianna, Gauric Legion, Losthaven Guard, Magister Collegii, and Noldor Wandslinger

Oan bu'Hark, Level 104 male Wickwer zuth Attuned Shemsu Sutekh, Aristeios, Fianna, Losthaven Guard, Neophyte Warden, Noldor Wandslinger, and Storm Walker

Hace Calor, Level 266 female Losthavener advenus Attuned Aisenshi-Insei-Tanto, Deep Whisperer, Lightbringer, Aristeia, Explorer, Magistra Collegii, Questor of Axa, and Shakarian Wandslinger

Deionarra, Level 46 female Kedethkral kedeth Soror Zephyrius Mutatoris, Explorer, and Fianna

Tugalti, Level 30 male Wickwer svirfneblin Attuned Ringwielder, Inducted, and Losthaven Guard

Souljah, Level 105 female Losthavener advenus Attuned Traveler and Wandslinger of Camelot

Brin Mkvenner, Level 227 female Talantonite garou Attuned Frater Verbus Glacialis, Aristeia, Chosen of Vashanka, Cuar Faern, Explorer, Fianna, Lykouros, Magistra Collegii, and Noldor Wandslinger

Rashidun, Level 479 male Losthavener srazh Aligned Aristeios, Explorer, Fianna, Hanoman Wandslinger, and Magister Collegii

Unik, Level 212 neuter Almerian wildling shoggoth Zeteson, Aristeion, and Explorer

Teryenin, Level 31 female Losthavener felljotun Justicar of Axa, Explorer, Gauric Legion, and Questor of Axa

Mystical Introspection, Level 232 hermaphrodite Shadowmyrker nyloc Riddlemaster, Zeteson, Explorer, Magister Collegii, Neophyte Warden, and Stalker of the Gate

Agun Ravenor, Level 355 male Talantonite Gezuuni Attuned Traveler, Crafty Linguist, Cuar Faern, Explorer, Fianna, Gauric Legion, Magister Collegii, and Noldor Wandslinger

Larkin, Level 185 male Xotic lunaeala Attuned Ringwielder, Chosen of Vashanka, Inducted, Neophyte Warden, Noldor Wandslinger, Questor of Axa, and Weapon of Vengeance

Stink, Level 243 male Losthavener puck Verynvelyr, Agnihotri, Chosen of Vashanka, Discordian Legionnaire, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel

Enn, Level 151 male Wickwer advenus Attuned Traveler, Zetesis, Crafty Linguist, Cuar Faern, Explorer, Fianna, Gauric Legion, and Wandslinger of Camille

Meront, Level 527 male Losthavener skaven Frater Verbus Glacialis, Aristeios, Explorer, Magister Collegii, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel

Aummius, Level 143 male Losthavener human ELF Guerrilla, POEE Initiate, and Explorer

Aliceia, Level 318 female Trueborn Amberite Aligned Courtesan of the Coven, Riddlemaster, Zetesa, Explorer, Hanoman Wandslinger, and Magistra Collegii

Edarion, Level 33 male Losthavener kentaur Shapeshifter and Gatherer

Tons, Level 211 male Losthavener fomor Attuned Frater Verbus Glacialis, Aristeios, Explorer, Garrik's Assassin, Magister Collegii, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, and Wandslinger of Camille

Elyn Soric, Level 45 neuter Talantonite phaethon Ringwielder, Neophyte Warden, and Weapon of Vengeance

Calethietta Belmemetwinson, Level 61 female Losthavener felljotun Attuned Lightbringer, Aristeia, and Gauric Legion

Eritolel, Level 97 male Losthavener kedeth Attuned Deep Whisperer and Gauric Legion

Oraror, Level 149 male Losthavener srazh POEE Initiate, Riddlemaster, Tzonazh, Crafty Linguist, Explorer, Gauric Legion, Heth Karad, and Istaxith Wandslinger

Krump, Level 40 male Losthavener runtling Attuned Traveler

Plentiful Creativity, Level 57 neuter Losthavener nyloc Riddlemaster and Ringwielder

Prisine, Level 34 male Losthavener chaosborn Aligned Verynvelyr, Hanoman Wandslinger, and Stalker of the Gate

Valkyrie Porphyria, Level 428 female Exomka mazikah ELF Guerrilla, POEE Initiate, Ringwielder, Explorer, Kazarzeth, Magistra Collegii, Neophyte Warden, Renegade Wandslinger, Sister of Wine and Song, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, Synousate Algesis, and Weapon of Vengeance

Uzilath, Level 63 male Obsidian Gezuuni Riddlemaster, Aristeios, and Explorer

Kuro, Level 36 female Trueborn Amberite Attuned Ringwielder, Aristeia, and Questor of Axa

Autumn, Level 44 female Vanyar dana adventurer, Cuar Faern, and Explorer

Pisius, Level 28 male Kedethvek kedeth Deep Whisperer and Discordian Legionnaire

Durix, Level 100 neuter Zadnothruan wildling bezhuldaar Ringwielder and Aristeion

Ishmish, Level 149 male Hanoman chaosborn ELF Guerrilla, Aristeios, Crafty Linguist, Explorer, Gatherer, and Wandslinger of Camille

Merina, Level 133 female Freeholder pixie Riddlemaster, Explorer, and Magistra Collegii

Vazbol, Level 159 neuter Zadnothruan wildling bezhuldaar Ringwielder, Discordian Legionnaire, Explorer, Neophyte Warden, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel

Chenrezig, Level 53 male Kedethvek kedeth Attuned Traveler, Crafty Linguist, Explorer, and Gauric Legion

Careste, Level 50 female Losthavener advenus Attuned Traveler, Explorer, Gauric Legion, and Neophyte Warden

Hanmaru, Level 84 male Northlander wildling dragon Frater Verbus Glacialis, Magister Collegii, and Questor of Axa

Prophecy, Level 112 neuter Almerian wildling shoggoth Attuned Lightbringer

Paryel, Level 151 male Vanyar tuatha Attuned Aedarene, Explorer, Gauric Legion, and Magister Collegii

Takayi, Level 83 male Hanoman advenus Zetesis, Jhanite Wandslinger, and Stalker of the Gate

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