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Top Fifty All Time Incarnoi in Assists
as of Saturday, December 21st, 2024 12:00 AM
Sithaz, Level 619 female Losthavener bezhuldaar Ringwielder, Aristeia, Explorer, Jhanite Wandslinger, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, and Weapon of Vengeance
Stride, Level 524 female Trueborn Amberite Attuned Aisenshi-Insei-Ken, Traveler, Explorer, Gauric Legion, and Wandslinger of Camille
Dents, Level 768 female Losthavener eolon Attuned Ringwielder, Zetesa, Aristeia, Explorer, Gauric Legion, and Losthavener Wandslinger
Mystical Introspection, Level 231 hermaphrodite Shadowmyrker nyloc Riddlemaster, Zeteson, Explorer, Magister Collegii, Neophyte Warden, and Stalker of the Gate
Brak eda Sawall, Level 426 male Losthavener lothar Battlerager, Chaos Knight, Agnihotri, Crafty Linguist, Discordian Legionnaire, Gatherer, Neophyte Warden, and Weapon of Vengeance
Stink, Level 243 male Losthavener puck Verynvelyr, Agnihotri, Chosen of Vashanka, Discordian Legionnaire, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Brin Mkvenner, Level 227 female Talantonite garou Attuned Frater Verbus Glacialis, Aristeia, Chosen of Vashanka, Cuar Faern, Explorer, Fianna, Losthavener Wandslinger, Lykouros, and Magistra Collegii
Beasty, Level 134 male Tenochlani wildling phaethon POEE Initiate, Verynvelyr, Agnihotri, Apollonian Disciple, Istaxith Wandslinger, and Neophyte Warden
Beam, Level 314 female Wickwer mazikah ELF Guerrilla, Agnihotri, Magistra Collegii, Mycenaean Wandslinger, Neophyte Warden, Sister of Wine and Song, and Weapon of Vengeance
Fries, Level 271 male Hanoman human Aedarene, Explorer, Gauric Legion, Losthavener Wandslinger, and Lykouros
Self, Level 1352 female Obsidian Gezuuni Attuned Tzetazh, Aristeia, Gauric Legion, Losthaven Guard, Losthavener Wandslinger, and Questor of Axa
Isli, Level 264 female Exomka fomor Frater Ignis Aeternis, Zetesa, Magistra Collegii, Stalker of the Gate, and Yathrelar Wandslinger
Polymorph, Level 368 neuter Othran shoggoth Shapeshifter, Zeteson, Discordian Legionnaire, Mhezlekai, Sibling of Wine and Song, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Vadron, Level 235 male Trueborn Amberite Justicar of Axa, Gauric Legion, Losthaven Guard, Neophyte Warden, and Questor of Axa
Jack, Level 353 male Losthavener bezhuldaar Attuned Ringwielder, Aristeios, Explorer, Magister Collegii, Neophyte Warden, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, and Wandslinger of Camille
Paryel, Level 151 male Vanyar tuatha Attuned Aedarene, Explorer, Gauric Legion, and Magister Collegii
Alissa, Level 210 female Losthavener bezhuldaar Deep Whisperer, POEE Initiate, Explorer, Losthavener Wandslinger, Magistra Collegii, Neophyte Warden, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Irelun, Level 371 male Losthavener fomor Brute, ELF Guerrilla, Hantaka, POEE Initiate, Ringwielder, Shemsu Sutekh, Verynvelyr, Aristeios, Garrik's Assassin, Magister Collegii, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, Weapon of Vengeance, and Yathrelar Wandslinger
Dab, Level 529 female Exomka kobold ELF Guerrilla, Fianna, Magistra Collegii, Wandslinger of Evendim, and Weapon of Vengeance
Gavadel, Level 100 male Trueborn Amberite Attuned Knight of the Round Table, Aristeios, Losthaven Guard, Neophyte Warden, Prince of Amber, Steel Serpent, and Summachos of the Pantarchic Church of Yehovah
Phife, Level 298 male Losthavener kielleth Attuned Aliavelyr, Verynvelyr, Aristeios, Crafty Linguist, Explorer, and Istaxith Wandslinger
Evoke, Level 31 female Trueborn Amberite Attuned Traveler, Crafty Linguist, Explorer, and Sister of Wine and Song
Miriya, Level 131 female Seelie Amberite Aligned Explorer and Fianna
Puff, Level 512 female Lowlander dragon Attuned Traveler, Crafty Linguist, Explorer, Fianna, Gauric Legion, Magistra Collegii, Renegade Wandslinger, and Sister of Wine and Song
Protax, Level 239 male Othran kentaur Shapeshifter, Cuar Faern, Fianna, Gauric Legion, Losthaven Guard, Losthavener Wandslinger, and Neophyte Warden
Spellblazed, Level 164 male Losthavener phaethon Frater Verbus Glacialis, Explorer, Magister Collegii, and Wandslinger of Corna
Guardas, Level 330 male Losthavener phaethon Aligned Aedarene, Aisenshi-Insei-Te, Frater Ignis Aeternis, Lightbringer, Explorer, Hanoman Wandslinger, Magister Collegii, and Questor of Axa
Laithde, Level 544 male Vanyar tuatha Attuned Riddlemaster, Cuar Faern, Jhanite Wandslinger, and Magister Collegii
Vealener, Level 226 male Losthavener bezhuldaar Ringwielder, Chosen of Vashanka, Explorer, Neophyte Warden, Shakarian Wandslinger, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, and Weapon of Vengeance
Corvynna, Level 139 female Vanyar dana Ringwielder, Chosen of Vashanka, Weapon of Vengeance, and Yevathnar Wandslinger
Valkyrie Porphyria, Level 428 female Exomka mazikah ELF Guerrilla, POEE Initiate, Ringwielder, Explorer, Kazarzeth, Magistra Collegii, Neophyte Warden, Renegade Wandslinger, Sister of Wine and Song, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, Synousate Algesis, and Weapon of Vengeance
Jerald Quickfingers, Level 347 male Losthavener pixie Attuned Aisenshi-Insei-Ken, Traveler, Explorer, Gauric Legion, Magister Collegii, and Wandslinger of Camelot
Aummius, Level 143 male Losthavener human ELF Guerrilla, POEE Initiate, and Explorer
Gnanglunthuggog, Level 353 neuter Kedethkral kedeth ELF Guerrilla, Reaper, Ringwielder, Kazarzeth, Sibling of Wine and Song, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Tons, Level 211 male Losthavener fomor Attuned Frater Verbus Glacialis, Aristeios, Explorer, Garrik's Assassin, Magister Collegii, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, and Wandslinger of Camille
Aislynn, Level 521 female Xotic chaosborn adventurer, Aristeia, Crafty Linguist, and Magistra Collegii
Venar, Level 125 male Losthavener runtling Zetesis, Agnihotri, Brother of Wine and Song, Discordian Legionnaire, Losthavener Wandslinger, and Weapon of Vengeance
Nercdernitus, Level 77 female Losthavener iaman Zetesa and Renegade Wandslinger
Golden, Level 119 male Losthavener nyloc Aligned Aisenshi-Insei-Te, Lightbringer, Traveler, Crafty Linguist, Losthavener Wandslinger, and Neophyte Warden
Boggotin, Level 123 female Losthavener bogual Aligned Aisenshi-Insei-Yari, Tzetazh, Aristeia, Maiden of the Spear, and Soulburner
Oraror, Level 132 male Losthavener srazh POEE Initiate, Riddlemaster, Tzonazh, Crafty Linguist, Explorer, Gauric Legion, Heth Karad, and Istaxith Wandslinger
Eithne, Level 320 female Shakarian advenus Attuned Deep Whisperer, Zetesa, Agnihotri, Aristeia, Fianna, Gauric Legion, and Wandslinger of Camille
Ishmish, Level 149 male Hanoman chaosborn ELF Guerrilla, Aristeios, Crafty Linguist, Explorer, Gatherer, and Wandslinger of Camille
Dyne, Level 161 male Losthavener phaethon Attuned Frater Verbus Glacialis, Losthaven Guard, Losthavener Wandslinger, Magister Collegii, Neophyte Warden, and Probaton of the Pantarchic Church of Yehovah
Eda, Level 184 male Hanoman urga Verynvelyr, Hellwalker, Losthavener Wandslinger, and Neophyte Warden
Hinonis, Level 51 male Losthavener fomor Eques Serpentina, Losthaven Guard, and Stalker of the Gate
Xordigath, Level 317 neuter Yathrelar fomor Hantaka, Reaper, Ringwielder, Shemsu Sutekh, Cultist of Sacrifice, Explorer, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Initara, Level 117 female Vanyar dragon Attuned Lightbringer and Wandslinger of Camille
Lbs, Level 303 male Hanoman human Attuned Warbreaker, Zetesis, Aristeios, Explorer, Gauric Legion, and Losthavener Wandslinger
Metryon, Level 199 male Trueborn Amberite Aedarene and Wandslinger of Camille
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