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System Changelog Page 94/188

# By When Type Ratings Summary
5705 Twilight May 11 2014 CR ***+ **** whisper PK encouragement
5706 Chaos May 11 2014 CR **+ ***+ decommissioned Ordo Maleficus and Almerian Inquisition
5708 Chaos May 11 2014 LR *** ***+ significantly expanded combustability
5709 Chaos May 11 2014 LR **+ ***+ removed fire vulnerability from plant races including aethoss
5710 Chaos May 12 2014 LR * ***+ reduced keep cost of lenses of insight
5711 Chaos May 12 2014 LBF ***+ **** made attacks with weapons cost endurance again
5712 Chaos May 12 2014 LR ***+ ***+ doubled SP regen and tripled END regen, mostly
5713 Chaos May 12 2014 LR *** **** slightly more than tripled regeneration impact
5714 Chaos May 12 2014 LR **+ **** upgraded berserk mode attack accuracy
5715 Chaos May 12 2014 LR **+ **** made berserk suppress mental energy overload effects
5716 Chaos May 14 2014 LR *** **+ converted physical bulk bonuses to dodge rating from a factor to an offset
5718 Chaos May 17 2014 LR *** ***+ gave combustion its own processing manager
5719 Chaos May 21 2014 LR ** ***+ reduced lux cost of restoration benefice
5720 Chaos May 21 2014 LE ***+ ***+ added Immaculate Resurrection lux benefice
5721 Chaos May 22 2014 LR *+ ***+ made dying state suppress stun-related messages
5722 Chaos May 22 2014 LR *+ ***+ renamed affiliation type sadist to malevolent
5723 Chaos May 22 2014 LR **+ ***+ made incapacitation during move always stop movement
5724 Chaos May 22 2014 LR **+ **+ made disincarnate+LD not function in combat
5725 Chaos May 22 2014 LR **+ *** made disincarnate+LD not function while incapacitated
5727 Chaos May 25 2014 CBF **+ *** made empathic bonds mend charms do gradual heals
5728 Lady Krash May 26 2014 CC ****+ ****+ Sinbyen is active
5730 Chaos May 28 2014 LE **** ***** enabled mental energy effects on combat ratings
5731 Xekrin May 28 2014 CR *+ ***+ added mounted combat training to osaka in Corna
5732 Twilight May 29 2014 CR *+ **+ reverted change 5731
5733 Lady Krash May 29 2014 CBF * ***** Fixed Teryx entry/exit issues.

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